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7 Jul

Growing Your Own Organic Garden


Posted by: Mike Hattim

With many of us spending more time at home this year, now is a great time to start that organic garden you’ve always wanted! As someone with friends who grow their own herbs and vegetables, it can seem pretty daunting at first – but if they can do it, so can you.

Location, Location, Location: Ideally, an organic vegetable garden needs at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day but don’t mind a little shade so they don’t overheat. A handy tip is to choose a spot near your house that you can see from inside – this will remind you to tend to it. Raised beds are another great option if you have limited space, or want a “cleaner” look to your yard.

Start Small: It can be easy to want to plant a full yard right away, but starting small can help you to ensure future success by getting into the habit of gardening and learning about it, without becoming overwhelmed.

Choose The Right Plants: Next you need to decide what plants you want to grow, and find the best strains to suit your environment. A few of the easiest vegetables to grow, regardless of skill level or experience, are: carrots, green beans, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach and tomatoes. If you are looking for more of a herb garden, beginners will want to stick to: chives, mint, parsley, basil and cilantro.

Garden Maintenance: To keep your garden healthy, you will want to water it daily – especially on hot days. The best time is in the morning as there is less evaporation and it keeps your plants hydrated all day. Make sure to focus on the roots, and not the leafy stems! Your garden will also require some maintenance in terms of weeding. Mulch can help reduce the number of weeds present, but you will still want to check regularly and remove any unwanted plant matter. Keeping your plants healthy and hydrated will also prevent pests and allow your plants to flourish.

Harvest Time! Did you know that, generally the more you harvest, the more your plants will produce? Remember to always use scissors to cut produce off, versus pulling and ripping your plant. If you use them fresh, pick them right before you need them!