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15 Jan

Homeowner Tips – 10 Easy Ways to Winter-Proof Your Home


Posted by: Mike Hattim

1. Close all Curtains during the day and add a liner with cheap thick material for even more insulation. Open them periodically for the greenhouse effect to warm the house.

2. Close Doors when rooms are not in use. This prevents heat transfer in and out of vacant rooms especially if you have baseboard heaters or radiators. Close the vents if using central forced air. Lower the entire house heat and use a space heater if you are only using 1 room like a TV room or bedroom.

3. Stop the Draft! The bottom of doors are not air tight in order to allow them to open and close. Use draft excluders to plug the bottom or even roll up a blanket or towel.

4. Seal Gaps around frames. Doors and windows commonly have gaps that let cold in and heat out. Seal the gaps with cheap insulation strips or even blankets. Stop the draft and save money!

5. Floors are Guilty. Is your flooring insulated? Good chance they are not. Massive heat loss occurs through your floors. Area rugs adds insulation (or blankets) and look for any gaps in the flooring or floorboard and fill with silicone.

6. Reflect the Heat. baseboard heaters or radiators located on external walls will simply warm the wall. Line the wall around the heat source with foil to reflect the heat back into the home.

7. Cover your pipes! Ass an insulator to your hot water tank and pipes to hold the heat in and keep the water warmer longer without fuel. Many inexpensive options are available for all tank and pipe sizes. Make use of blankets if you are on a budget.

8. Use thermostats with timers. Have them turn on earlier so the room heats up in time for use vs. cranking the heat when you need to get warm quickly. Have the heat turn off 30 mins before you are going to bed or leaving the home.

9. Insulate Walls and Attic. On a snowy day go outside and look at your roof. You should see snow on the roof. If you can see your roof that means the attic is not insulated well and heat is escaping and melting the snow. Invest in good insulation to save big money in the long run.

10. Oven is made for Heat! Winter time is full of yummy cozy meals made in the oven. When the meal is done why not leave the oven door open after you turn the over off. The heat from the oven will warm a room for a good hour after it’s shut off.